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Smart make-up mirror enters thousands of households


Smart cosmetic mirror

    With the requirements and improvement of people's overall living standards and the popularity of AI intelligence, a series of smart make-up mirrors have gradually entered into thousands of households, especially in some traditional household products, which must change from ordinary to intelligent, especially some traditional make-up mirror products in recent years, no matter from the appearance process requirements, convenient and intelligent multi-function combination. At present, there are portable lamp mirrors with LED light compensation, with light compensation combined with power bank function, with mirror light compensation combined with desk lamp function, with desk lamp with Bluetooth speaker, with desk lamp combined with manicure lamp, with all-in-one functions such as Bluetooth sound, light compensation, manicure lamp, power bank, emergency lamp controlled by mobile app, These are the future development needs and opportunities of intelligent cosmetic mirror. They all become a new cross-border product through the combination of intelligent multi in one. Now more and more lamp mirror manufacturers are constantly bringing forth new ideas, competing for a share of this huge market cake. When is the scene of the development of the specific market full of flowers? Let's wait patiently!

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